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Fauna Reviews
Victoria Reviews
A pretty girl with a good body. The flat is nice. As far as I could tell her English is good, too. However, I had to make my excuses and leave as she has tattoos not at all present in her photos - quite a large one on her thigh and arm. As far as tattoos go they were colourful and well done. They are not my thing, though. Either Victoria has had a lot of ink since her photos were taken or the photos have been discretely doctored. But a very pretty girl nonetheless
By MS003 on February 22, 2023 12:00 am -
Danone Reviews
Danone is a very very sweet and caring woman, with a vibrant personality. Every minutes spent in her company was pure bliss. I hope to see her again.
By Manu on July 5, 2023 9:30 pm -