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Mullbery Reviews
I had an amazing time a few days earlier with another girl who had an amazing ass which I ate plenty but could not penetrate, so desperate for A level action I decided to use some more of my lottery win with Mullvery with the main purpose of indulging in A level. I was surprised when I met her, as I though she was going to be more petite. Nevertheless, with a cialis in circle and so much desire, I was guilty of skipping the warmup and went straight for A. Mullvery was very professional about it and she let me have my wicked way with her beautiful behind, if felt a bit like a transaction but it was mostly my fault, I think she is a lovely girl and I wish I was more in the mood for chatting and cuddling and oral to get to know her soft side, instead I sort of used her a$$ for 30 min and then f@ced fuc£&d her, very dominant from my side but she took the treatment like a champ and true professional always smiling and apparently even enjoying it.
By Zorro2000 on January 19, 2024 12:00 am -